HC Deb 30 April 1970 vol 800 c1441
16. Mr. Bidwell

asked the Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity what result her department has achieved in placing those registered under the Industrial Selection Scheme in London in employment in the new towns.

Mr. Dell

One thousand and five London Industrial Selection Scheme registrants were placed in employment in the London new towns during 1969. During the same period, 3,137 were placed in the London expanding towns.

Mr. Bidwell

Can my right hon. Friend assure us that this policy will be continued with vigour, since it relates to homes with jobs in new and expanding towns, and that no impediment will be put in the way of people such as my constituents going to those new and expanding areas?

Mr. Dell

There should be no such impediments. Certainly it is the Government's intention to persist with this scheme. At the moment, the Government's Social Survey is carrying out an investigation into the operation of the scheme with a view to finding out why it is not more successful than it is. Certainly we will go on with the scheme.

Mr. David Mitchell

Will the right hon. Gentleman make representations to his colleagues about the need for i.d.c.s being available in the expanded towns to which these people are due to go?

Mr. Dell

As the hon. Gentleman knows, priority for i.d.c.s is given to the intermediate and development areas. The next priority is the expanded towns.