HC Deb 29 April 1970 vol 800 c1241
24. Mr. Fletcher-Cooke

asked the President of the Board of Trade when he expects to receive the report of the inspectors appointed to investigate the affairs of Inter-Continental Pharmaceuticals (Bletchley) Limited.

Mrs. Gwyneth Dunwoody

The report of the inspectors was received on 27th April. When it has been considered, I will write to the hon. and learned Member.

Mr. Fletcher-Cooke

May we expect a brisk pace from the companies department of the Board of Trade on this matter? Is not it some years since this scandal was exposed very bravely by the Sunday Times? May we be assured that at long last action will be taken?

Mrs. Dunwoody

The first investigatory action by the Board of Trade was on 13th January, 1969. I will take note of the hon. and learned Gentleman's injunctions to move speedily. People do not normally call me a slow mover.

Mr. Arthur Lewis

The Sunday Times has been mentioned, but the Sunday Times, the Sunday Telegraph, the Daily Telegraph and other newspapers have been reporting to the Board of Trade for years past the activities of Dollar Land Holdings, which never issues company reports and which has completely evaded the Companies Acts. Why does not the Minister take action about this scandal?

Mrs. Duuwoody

The hon. Member has discussed this case with me and with shareholders in the company. The powers of the Board of Trade to take action are clearly defined. When we have evidence we take action, as the case mentioned in the Question has demonstrated.