HC Deb 23 April 1970 vol 800 c616
22. Mr. Bruce-Gardyne

asked the Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity whether the 16⅔ per cent. increase in the salary of the Chairman of the National Board for Prices and Incomes on his appointment to the Chairmanship of the Commission for Industry and Manpower is in accordance with the Government's prices and incomes policy and if she will refer it to the National Board for Prices and Incomes for consideration and report.

Mr. Harold Walker

No appointment has yet been made.

Mr. Bruce-Gardyne

I meant there to be an element of intelligent anticipation about the Question. I recognise that the figure of 16⅔ per cent. mentioned in the Question might have to be adjusted to 25 per cent., but will the hon. Gentleman at least give an undertaking that when the increase in salary for this gentleman has been arranged it will be referred to the N.B.P.I., and if not, why not?

Mr. Walker

The question of an increase does not arise. The hon. Gentleman should have learned by now not to believe all he reads in the newspapers.

Mr. Dudley Smith

Would the hon. Gentleman say when it is proposed to make this appointment? Would he confirm that it will be Mr. Aubrey Jones?

Mr. Walker

No doubt my hon. Friend will be making an announcement very shortly.