HC Deb 14 October 1969 vol 788 cc186-8
28. Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government whether he is now in a position to make a further statement concerning the payment of Government grants towards the costs of strengthening tower blocks resultant upon the Ronan Point disaster; and to what extent the various municipal associations have agreed with the Government's offer of 40 per cent. towards these costs.

Mr. Greenwood

Discussions with the local authority associations are continuing.

Mr. Lewis

I am aware of that, but can my right hon. Friend tell me to what extent he has received any statements from any authorities accepting the proposed suggestion of 40 per cent. which the Government have put forward? Have the Government not been rather niggardly on this matter? Will they not come forward with something better to give some hope to hard-pressed areas such as those of West Ham, East Ham and other parts of East London?

Mr. Greenwood

My hon. Friend made this point clearly in debates on the Housing Bill, but it would not be wise to say what transpired between the local authority associations and myself, except that at the last meeting at official level on 26th September considerable progress was made, for example, in regard to items of expenditure which should or should not count for grant aid.

Mr. Lawler

Does not the Minister agree that there are some older local authorities which have been trying with some urgency to see him but the reshuffle may have caused postponement of their visits? Does the Minister also agree that unless local authorities are clear about any decision which might be made to increase the present 40 per cent., possibly by a contribution towards increased rents at the end of the present housing year, this will not help?

Mr. Greenwood

I am not aware of any hold-up in proposals of local authorities to see me, but if the hon. Member has any case in mind I shall be glad if he will let me know. I am always willing to see Birmingham City Council whenever that is appropriate. I hope the hon. Member will appreciate that the work is not being held up. We are prepared to give loan sanction and to make advance payments on a 40 per cent. basis without prejudice to any final figure which may be agreed later.

Mr. Orme

Is my right hon. Friend aware that this 40 per cent. grant is having disastrous effects on certain local authorities' building programmes, because authorities such as Salford will retard the programme rate because of the 60 per cent. which they have themselves to meet? We might find Conservative authorities using this as an excuse for not building houses.

Mr. Greenwood

I have heard that view put before but I think it is a rather exaggerated view. I believe that the assistance the Government have offered is a just amount in these circumstances.

Mr. Lewis

On a point of order. In view of the last remark of the Minister, I beg to give notice that I shall try to raise this matter again.