HC Deb 13 October 1969 vol 788 cc3-29
  1. European Economic Community 2,151 words
  2. cc9-12
  3. Gibraltar 1,088 words
  4. cc12-6
  5. Nigeria 1,185 words
  6. cc16-7
  7. Anguilla 305 words
  8. cc17-8
  9. European Peace and Security Council 319 words
  10. c18
  11. Prince of Spain (Swearing-in Ceremony) 125 words
  12. cc18-9
  13. Falkland Islands 420 words
  14. cc19-20
  15. Rudolf Hess 258 words
  16. cc20-2
  17. Rhodesia 784 words
  18. cc22-3
  19. Nuclear Weapons (Non-Proliferation Treaty) 166 words
  20. cc23-4
  21. Libya (Supply of Arms) 376 words
  22. cc24-5
  23. Middle East 416 words
  24. cc25-6
  25. United Nations (China) 146 words
  26. cc26-7
  27. United Nations (Namibia and Zambia) 361 words
  28. cc27-8
  29. Aircraft (Hi-jacking) 417 words
  30. cc28-9
  31. Canada (Foreign Secretary's Visit) 223 words