HC Deb 27 November 1969 vol 792 cc586-7
2. Mr. Dalyell

asked the Minister of Overseas Development what discussions she had with the Indonesian Foreign Minister on the question of the provision of coastal shipping and marine spare parts to Indonesia.

Mrs. Hart

This was not raised by the Indonesian Government, although our discussions covered several other matters of technical assistance and capital aid to Indonesia.

Mr. Dalyell

What other matters were discussed? Is it realised that the great Indonesian problem is perhaps help to the outer islands, and that this is perhaps the optimum form of aid that many people in Indonesia think that we could give?

Mrs. Hart

As my hon. Friend knows, it is a Government-to-Government matter, and we discuss with Governments what proposals they wish to make to us. This was not one of them. I discussed with Mr. Malik and later with Mr. Sumitro the whole of our technical assistance and capital aid programme, but this was not a specific matter raised by them.

Mr. Edward M. Taylor

Did the right hon. Lady discuss during those talks the question of the estimated £200 million of British assets which have been seized by Indonesia and for which no compensation has been paid?

Mrs. Hart

This was not a matter for me, so, quite correctly, it will no doubt be raised in discussions held with colleagues of mine.

3. Mr. Dalyell

asked the Minister of Overseas Development in what ways she is facilitating co-operation between British and Indonesian universities.

Mrs. Hart

The initiative for establishing associations between universities rests with the universities themselves. I am not aware of any such association between British and Indonesian universities but can always consider requests from Governments for training for students and for help with exchange visits of staff.

Mr. Dalyell

Has the Department allocated any funds for such contacts?

Mrs. Hart

Not at present. We do not allocate funds in advance of requests for specific aid in particular matters.