HC Deb 27 November 1969 vol 792 cc598-600
21. Mr. Tilney

asked the Minister of Overseas Development what schemes she has for co-operation with German institutions in the provision for aid in developing countries of the Commonwealth; and if she will make a statement.

Mrs. Hart

My predecessor had regular contacts with the Federal German Ministry for Economic Co-operation, and I certainly hope to continue this practice. I shall be meeting Herr Eppler this evening in Paris. I shall, with permission, circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT details of two specific joint projects which we have entered into with German aid authorities.

Mr. Tilney

Will the right hon. Lady bear in mind that the Commonwealth Development Corporation already collaborates with the Germans on certain schemes? The Germans have the money, yet they wish to collaborate with us bilaterally as we have local knowledge of the developing countries of the Commonwealth.

Mrs. Hart

I will, of course, bear that in mind, and I am looking forward to my discussions with Herr Eppler. There are examples where C.D.C. shares with the German aid authorities in projects, and this is all to be encouraged.

Mr. James Johnson

Assuming that "German" can mean East German as well as West German, may I suggest that my right hon. Friend applies her mind to the possibility of co-operation in Zanzibar, where the East Germans are building excellent houses for the Africans there?

Mrs. Hart

One is always delighted to hear that there are effective bilateral programmes in any developing country, wherever the aid comes from. We have our part to play in bilateral aid, and so do other countries. Here and there, it is possible by co-operation to achieve a great deal more.

Mr. Higgins

Is it not an extraordinary situation that, if a German firm invests in a Commonwealth developing country, arrangements exist for insuring it against political risks, whereas if a British firm invests, they do not? Will the right hon. Lady discuss this and examine the German system?

Mrs. Hart

That is another question. I will be happy to answer it if the hon. Gentleman puts down one about it.

Following is the information:

  1. (i) In Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda the Commonwealth Development Corporation holds shares, together with the German D.E.G., in the equity capital of local development finance companies in which the Government-sponsored Development Corporation of each country also takes part. The Netherlands N.O.F.C. is also a partner in the first two of these bodies, which are participating in a wide range of enterprises including agricultural and forestry processing, industrial manufacture (including cement production), the growing of tea and the development of hotels.
  2. (ii) A link has been established between the University of Giessen, West Germany, and the University College, Nairobi, similar to the link between that college and the University of Glasgow. This has led to the provision of German staff for the Medical and Veterinary Faculties of University College, Nairobi. British and German staff have also been provided under joint arrangements for the Faculty of Agriculture at Nairobi.