HC Deb 25 November 1969 vol 792 cc174-5
3. Mr. Anderson

asked the Secretary of State for Wales if he will take steps to bring the provisions of the Housing Act, 1969, to the attention of Welsh local authorities.

Mr. E. Rowlands

As well as the circulars and leaflets which have been issued, three very successful conferences were held in Port Talbot and Llandudno in October. All Welsh local authorities were invited to participate and the response was almost complete. Over 500 delegates attended the conferences and all but 13 local authorities were represented.

Mr. Anderson

That is a helpful answer, because the benefits of this Act are particularly relevant to Wales. What is being done to bring the concept of the general improvement area, an innovation in the Measure, to the attention of the relevant local authorities?

Mr. Rowlands

We have at the various conferences been calling attention to the general improvement area concept. I am glad to see that a general improvement area has been declared by one local authority, that four other improvement area schemes have been submitted informally and that officials of my Department have in every possible way been encouraging local authorities to declare general improvement areas.

Mr. Alec Jones

As the National Coal Board is one of the biggest landlords in South Wales, is my hon. Friend satisfied that the N.C.B. is doing all that it should in accordance with the spirit of the Act?

Mr. Rowlands

I am well aware that the N.C.B. is one of the largest landlords in Wales, and in particular is one of the largest holders of the oldest of our housing stock. I am hoping very soon to have discussions with the N.C.B. to see what action it intends to take in connection with improvement grants.