HC Deb 18 November 1969 vol 791 c1098
19. Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government to what extent applications by tenants to rent officers for fair rents have increased since his recent publicity campaign; and if he will introduce legislation requiring notification of all rents by landlords in areas of housing shortage and inquiries by rent officers into rents which appear to be exorbitant.

Mr. Denis Howell

The results of the campaign have not yet been fully appraised.

On the second part of the Question, I will see that my hon. Friend's suggestion is brought to the notice of the committee set up under the chairmanship of Mr. Hugh Francis, Q.C. to look into the operation of rent regulation.

Mr. Allaun

While I am grateful for that answer, may I ask whether or not it is a fact that most persons entitled to considerable rent reductions are still not claiming them? Would it not encourage them to do so if they could see on a list published at the town hall that others in similar dwellings are paying much less rent than they are?

Mr. Howell

I am happy to say that since the campaign there has been an increase in the number of inquiries of rent officers. I can certainly assure my hon. Friend that this aspect of public ignorance is something that we want to keep under constant review.

Mr. Evelyn King

Would the hon. Gentleman agree that while tenants have their rights, so too have the homeless? Is it not self-evident that the further rents are reduced the fewer become the number of houses to rent?

Mr. Howell

I would have thought that the best contribution we can make towards housing the homeless is to build more local authority houses?