HC Deb 17 November 1969 vol 791 c831
13. Mr. Marten

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign arid Commonwealth Affairs what proposals he has for the training of Anguillans as technicians for the management of their island.

Mr. Luard

Her Majesty's Commissioner is endeavouring to arrange technical training for Anguillans to meet specific urgent needs.

Mr. Marten

Does not the Joint Under-Secretary realise that what is wanted in Anguilla when the British forces and British police have left is a comprehensive training programme so that the Anguillans themselves can run their island? From what he has just said, it does not sound as if they are doing enough. Can he tell us more?

Mr. Luard

Quite a lot is being done. Six teachers from Anguilla recently started three-year training courses in St. Lucia. Three more teachers have started degree courses at the University of the West Indies. There are places for four more as air traffic controllers. As regards the future, we are hoping to arrange for the recruitment and training of more Anguillans for technical posts in agriculture, education and public works.

Mr. Braine

Has a decision yet been taken about the composition of the Commission which is to be set up to consider the future of Anguilla? When is it expected that the Commission will get down to work?

Mr. Luard

There is another Question on the Order Paper on the first part of that supplementary question. It is hoped to be able to announce the names of the members of the Commission tomorrow. The Commission will start work soon after that.