HC Deb 05 November 1969 vol 790 c1005
28. Mr. Sharples

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what proposals he has for encouraging the keeping of bees for the production of honey.

Mr. Hoy

We have no new proposals for the bee-keeping industry. Government assistance to bee keepers will continue to be based on research, education, advice and the control of disease.

Mr. Sharples

I am sure bee keepers will be illuminated by that Answer. Can the hon. Gentleman say why his Department is increasing by 500 per cent. the cost of keeping hives on land managed by the Forestry Commission.

Mr. Hoy

I cannot give the hon. Gentleman a reply off the cuff. If that was the question he wanted to ask, he should have put it on the Order Paper.

Mr. Maclennan

Can my hon. Friend say whether the Department has given thought to the possibilities of import substitution on honey?

Mr. Hoy

We import a considerable amount of honey, and it is true that it is cheaper than our own. But the Question asked what advice and help we were giving to the bee-keeping industry, and all I replied to was the Question which the hon. Gentleman put on the Order Paper.