HC Deb 03 November 1969 vol 790 cc642-3
35. Mr. Michael McNair-Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he will take action to encourage contacts such as visits and outings between the community and hospitals for the mentally handicapped.

Dr. John Dunwoody

Most certainly. The many individuals and members of local and voluntary organisations who already help in this way perform a most valuable service for these patients.

Mr. McNair-Wilson

Does the hon. Gentleman agree that more should be done to encourage the families of mentally handicapped patients to visit those patients in hospital because of the known beneficial effect of such visits? In particular, should not the parents of mentally handicapped children consider taking children back into the family circle, rather than leaving them in hospital.

Dr. Dunwoody

Where it is possible for children to leave hospital, we want them to do so. I agree that we should do all that we can. We do a great deal to encourage families to visit their relations in hospital. We want to throw the doors of these hospitals open to the public as a whole. I think that in this connection hon. Members on both sides of the House could probably fulfil a useful function in their own areas.