HC Deb 13 May 1969 vol 783 c1192

Table of Fees, page 100, line 3, leave out "6—10—6" and insert "7—16—6".

Line 5, leave out "7—14—6" and insert "9—5—6".

Line 7, leave out "2—3" and insert "2—8".

Line 8, leave out "3—2" and insert "3—10".

These Amendments would increase the fees paid to the Shortland Writer to the House so as to bring them into line with these received for official work by outside shorthand writers. The increases have been approved by the Treasury. They do not apply to all the services of the Shorthand Writer and are designed to give an average increase of 14 per cent. over fees which have stood since November, 1964.

Mr. Maxwell-Hyslop

The Chairman said that it was an average of 14 per cent. By my figuring it is an average of 20, 20, 18.5 and 20 per cent., which is higher than the norm laid down by the Government in this incomes policy. This should be pointed out before the House accedes to it.

The Chairman of Ways and Means

Some fees remain unchanged. This does not apply to all fees.

Question put and agreed to.