HC Deb 12 May 1969 vol 783 cc949-50
11. Mr. Fisher

asked the Minister of Overseas Development how much development aid will be granted to St. Kitts for the financial year 1969–70; and how much of this will be spent in Nevis.

Mr. Prentice

The Colonial Development and Welfare allocation for 1969–70 is £260,000, but it has been agreed, at the request of the St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla Government, that this, with the bulk of the similar allocation for 1968–69 which has been carried forward, should be reserved for application towards improvements to the airfield at Golden Rock. The Premier has asked me to provide additional aid to be devoted to Nevis. This is being discussed with him in London now, but I am not yet in a position to make a statement.

Mr. Fisher

Will the right hon. Gentleman look sympathetically at the need for an extension of the airfield at St. Kitts to take international jet aircraft, as in Antigua, to develop the full tourist potential of the island? Will he also view sympathetically the needs of Nevis for roads and electricity services for the infrastructure for tourism, which is probably the best hope for that island?

Mr. Prentice

All the aspects which the hon. Member has mentioned are being discussed with the Premier, who, as the hon. Member knows, is in London.

Mr. Roebuck

Can my right hon. Friend explain the position with regard to Anguilla? Does any aid for that island have to go through the St. Kitts Government? If so, is there any strong advice that my right hon. Friend can give to the St. Kitts Government about it?

Mr. Prentice

As I explained in reply to an earlier Question, aid is being arranged directly to Anguilla. Perhaps I should have added that this is being done with the agreement of the St. Kitts Government.