HC Deb 24 March 1969 vol 780 cc1016-7
2. Mr. Bruce-Gardyne

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the current annual cost to public funds and in foreign exchange, respectively, of Her Majesty's Embassy, Paris.

The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonweatlh Office (Mr. Goronwy Roberts)

The current estimated annual cost of Her Majesty's Embassy in Paris to the Diplomatic Service Vote is £910,000, on which £697,000 is in foreign exchange.

Mr. Bruce-Gardyne

Now that the wholly admirable attempt by the British Ambassador in Paris to establish a dialogue with the French President has been successfully sabotaged, how does the hon. Gentleman reckon we shall obtain value for money on this expenditure? Does the hon. Gentleman have it in mind to supplement the embassy with a posse of policemen, or to send a gunboat up the Seine?

Mr. Roberts

No, Sir. I am satisfied that we are getting the utmost value for this money.

Mr. Dalyell

Is my hon. Friend satisfied about the size of our embassies in Paris and Bonn? Are not they too big?

Mr. Roberts

I should not think so. The establishment of and expenditure on these posts is constantly and very vigorously reviewed. The Duncan Committee is engaged in examining all posts, and is still to report. From the inquiries that I have been able to make it seems to me that comparable posts sustained by other European countries in London are in line with the kind of establishments that I have described.

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