HC Deb 18 March 1969 vol 780 cc187-8
25. Mr. Michael Shaw

asked the Minister of Power what are his present methods of comparing performance with forecast year by year for each of the nationalised fuel industries; and what changes he proposes to make in those methods.

Mr. Mason

I make such inquiries as seem to be necessary into the reasons for differences between forecasts and performance, in full consultation with the industry's management.

Mr. Shaw

Would not it be helpful if such inquiries as the Minister made, and their results, were published, particularly with regard to forecasts and results, returns on capital, the levels of productivity and profitability generally?

Mr. Mason

I notice that that was one of the recommendations of the Select Committee, and we did not particularly answer it. As I indicated earlier in Question Time, we give a large amount of information to the House, through White Papers, the annual reports of the nationalised industries and the material we provide for Select Committees. It is not really necessary to go further.

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