HC Deb 13 March 1969 vol 779 cc1553-4
29. Mr. Dalyell

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will publish a statement on the progress made for implementing the recommendations of the Chester Report on Football.

Mr. Denis Howell

I have now discussed the Chester Committee's recommendations with the Football Association and Football League, and we shall meet again as soon as they have had time to consider the questions raised. I hope to have a meeting soon with the Scottish Football Association and Scottish League.

As I informed the House on 5th December—[Vol. 774, c. 1807–8.]—I have also met the Football Association of Wales, and a joint working party with the Sports Council is now engaged in considering the future of Welsh soccer.

Mr. Dalyell

Is my right hon. Friend aware of the growing, though probably unjustified, belief that the Chester Report is accumulating dust, and will he do something to progress chase this matter?

Mr. Howell

I assure my hon. Friend that the Report is not collecting any dust. There have been two meetings this week, one lasting two hours and the other one-and-a-half hours. Further meetings with the Scottish authorities are planned to take place soon. The Report contains some far-reaching recommendations, and it is, therefore, bound to take some time for the football authorities to consider the matter in detail.

Mr. Arthur Davidson

What progress has been made in discussions of another topic mentioned in the Chester Report—namely, the link between violence on the field and violence among spectators?

Mr. Howell

As I have explained to the House before, this subject is being considered by a working party under the chairmanship of Sir John Lang, and I am glad to tell my hon. Friend that it is making good progress and hopes to report soon.