HC Deb 04 March 1969 vol 779 cc204-5
24. Mr. Brooks

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what number of private motorists have their motoring costs borne by the companies for which they work, as disclosed by the tax returns made to the Inland Revenue; and what is the total amount of payment made annually by public authorities to employees in the form of car allowances.

Mr. Diamond

I regret that the information requested is not available.

Mr. Brooks

Does not my right hon. Friend consider, in the first place, that information of this sort should be available to expose the extent of the hidden "perks" available to some employees? Would he not agree that many private motorists feel resentment at the uniform imposition of taxes across the board, and is there not a case for some form of differential tax for those who have to meet the whole burden out of their own pockets?

Mr. Diamond

As my hon. Friend knows, the attempt of the Revenue is to see that the taxation burden falls equitably.