HC Deb 03 March 1969 vol 779 c26
23. Mr. Silvester

asked the Secretary of State for Social Service how many National Health Service patients have been treated in a single-person hyperbaric oxygen chamber in the last two years.

Mr. Ennals

I regret this information is not recorded centrally. I will make inquiries and write to the hon. Member.

Mr. Silvester

Is it not true, however, that many National Health Service patients have been treated by this method, certainly in the Metropolitan area? Has not the time now come when he should be studying research in this work, particularly in view of the strong prima facie evidence that there is value in this sort of treatment of coronary diseases, gas gangrene and other illnesses?

Mr. Ennals

It is true that a number of chambers are on loan to consultants and also to hospitals by the makers. The use of hyperbaric oxygen is still considered to be a research field in which the actual value of the treatment still requires to be assessed. The hon. Gentleman has been informed that the Department would be prepared to consider a detailed proposal for a clinical trial using a hyperbaric oxygen bed at Whip's Cross Hospital.