HC Deb 30 June 1969 vol 786 cc2-3
2. Mr. Godman Irvine

asked the Minister of Overseas Development whether, in view of recent increases in school fees, he will again increase allowances to members of Her Majesty's Overseas Civil Service serving abroad whose children are at schools in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Oram

A review of these allowances has already been put in hand and I will inform the hon. Member of the result in due course.

Mr. Godman Irvine

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the last review took place in September and that it took into consideration factors which were about six months behind the times? We are now in the middle of the next year. Is it not about time that action was taken?

Mr. Oram

As I have said, the matter is being reviewed. Allowances for people serving under the Overseas Aid Scheme are closely related to the allowances for those home civil servants who are seconded for duty overseas. This question is largely the responsibility of the Civil Service Department, but I will inform the hon. Member as soon as a result is achieved.

Sir G. Nabarro

Will the Parliamentary Secretary bear in mind that the increase in school fees referred to—there are 30 such schools; for example, Malvern, in my constituency—takes effect from October this year on account of the advanced selective employment tax and other increased charges? Could not these overseas civil servants receive their increased allowances from October this year?

Mr. Oram

I assure the hon. Gentleman that all the factors that he has put forward concerning increased fees and dates will be taken into account in the review.