HC Deb 26 June 1969 vol 785 cc1813-4
Mr. MacColl

I beg to move Amendment No. 68, in page 26, line 42, at end insert: (4) Before considering an application for a qualification certificate a local authority shall send a copy of the application to the person named in the application as the tenant.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this Amendment, we are also discussing Government Amendments Nos. 69 and 70.

Mr. MacColl

These Amendments are solely concerned with splitting up a Clause which hon. Members opposite found difficult to understand in its original form. Without prejudice to its having been fairly clear, we have tried to make it simpler by cleaning it up.

Mr. Allason

I cannot let that remark pass. It was extremely offensive. If it was meant to be humorous, it was ill-placed. In Committee, I pointed out that this was an utterly incomprehensible Clause, typical of the legislation that we get from the Ministry of Housing and Local Government under the present Government—legislation worthy almost of the infamous Land Commission Act. I pointed out that subsections (1) and (2) dealt with entirely different aspects. I am glad to see that the Minister has now met my criticism by doing precisely what I asked. However, it is extremely offensive of him to try to be sarcastic, when the Opposition have helped to make the Bill much more intelligible to the general public.

I am not clear, Mr. Deputy Speaker, whether I am entitled to discuss the Amendment to Amendment No. 69.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

That has not been selected, but the subject matter is perfectly in order in connection with No. 70, so hon. Members can discuss it.

Mr. Allason

I am grateful. Here again, this would be a distinct improvement since it relates to the matter of timing. The new subsection (2) says that where a local authority is satisfied about certain matters it may do certain things. We do not want it to be just a matter of "where" it is able to do such things. We want it to be immediate, so that the moment it is satisfied it will be able to get on with the job. This would give a far better sense of urgency to the need to get on with a very complicated process.

Amendment agreed to.

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