HC Deb 24 June 1969 vol 785 cc1384-5
Mr. William Rodgers

I beg to move Amendment No. 83, in page 20, line 18, after 'grant', insert 'from the Board'.

Mr. Deputy Speaker (Mr. Harry Gourlay)

With this Amendment it will be convenient to take Government Amendment No. 84.

Mr. Rodgers

The purpose behind these Amendments is to limit the power of requiring information and the power of entry and inspection so that, for example, only the Wales Tourist Board may require information about an hotel in receipt of a grant by the Wales Board and only a person authorised by the Wales Board may enter and inspect such an hotel. It is not intended that a board should be able to require information about, or enter and inspect, an hotel in receipt of a grant by another board.

This meets a point raised by the hon. Member for Blackpool, South (Mr. Blaker) in Committee. I hope, for that reason, that it will be acceptable.

Amendment No. 85 is again intended to clarify the situation. As this description of fixed equipment now stands in Schedule 3, it might be thought that the use of the word "bathroom" meant that the equipment had to be installed in a bathroom in order to be eligible for grant under Clause 9. This is not the intention, and the Amendment clarifies the situation.

Mr. Blaker

I particularly welcome the way that the Minister of State put Amendment No. 83, since he said that it was a point which I had drawn to his attention in Committee and, therefore, he thought that it should be acceptable. I drew this to the attention of the Committee because it seemed particularly alarming that we might have a situation, as the Bill stood, where an inspector from the English Tourist Board could take upon himself the duty of inspecting premises in Wales and Scotland. That seemed a situation to be avoided at all costs, so I welcome the Amendment.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made: No. 84, in page 21, line 9, after 'made', insert 'by the Board'.—[Mr. William Rodgers.]

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