HC Deb 17 June 1969 vol 785 cc235-7
12. Mr. Gardner

asked the Minister of Power what further progress has been made with studies of joint reading of electricity and gas meters; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Freeson

I understand that the Gas and Electricity Councils doubt whether the outcome of their joint studies would justify further action, but I am awaiting their detailed findings, which the Department will examine closely before my right hon. Friend the Minister comes to a conclusion on the matter.

Mr. Gardner

Is my hon. Friend aware that part of his Answer will cause great concern? Is he aware that if it were possible to have joint meter reading that would lead to very great savings? Is he aware of the concern about primary charges imposed by gas boards in some regions?

Mr. Freeson

The latter point is not particularly related to joint meter readings. On the question of savings this is a possibility. One thing I learned about before the industries were asked to look at this matter more thoroughly was that there had been close integration of accounting with other managerial techniques involved with computerisation. This is not to pre-judge what is to happen. The councils have been giving us no more than their bare conclusions. I ask hon. Members to await further considerations of this matter.

13. Mr. Gwilym Roberts

asked the Minister of Power what is the estimated proportion of homes where electricity and gas meter readers are unable to obtain access during the day as the family are all out; and what is the estimated economy from sending meter readers out mainly in the evenings.

Mr. Freeson

This is a matter for the two industries, and I am asking the two Councils to write to my hon. Friend.

Mr. Roberts

Is my hon. Friend aware that at the recent annual conference of service managers in the private sector, stress was laid on the need to move servicing and maintenance generally to the evenings because of the greater number of people who are at home at that time? Will he ask the industries concerned to give this matter very serious consideration?

Mr. Freeson

I was not aware of the conference to which my hon. Friend has referred. As I have said, I have asked the Councils to look at this and I shall write to my hon. Friend when I know what they say.

Mr. Ogden

Is my hon. Friend aware of a common practice in the United States where the meter box is set into the outside wall of the house and can be read from outside by the use of a special key, whether anyone is in the house or not? Will he have consultations with the Minister of Public Building and Works on this?

Mr. Freeson

That is a suggestion which has been looked at time after time over a number of years and has been adopted by some local authorities and private developers, but it rests very largely in their hands and not in the hands of the industries. It is a matter for the developers, private or public, on which they can make further research and possible development.