HC Deb 11 June 1969 vol 784 cc1454-6
42. Mr. Galbraith

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what proposals he has now received for building an ore terminal near Hunterston, Ayrshire.

21. Mr. John Robertson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what discussions he has had, and what consultations have taken place, regarding the proposal to develop an iron-ore terminal at Hunterston.

Mr. Ross

I have received no proposals for the construction of an ore terminal at or near Hunterston. I understand, however, that Ayr county planning committee has recommended the county council to submit to me amendments of the county development plan proposing the zoning of an area at Hunterston for industry. This would provide for, among other things, an iron ore terminal if required. If this amendment comes forward, it will be considered under the normal statutory procedures, which afford full opportunity for consultation and representations.

Mr. Galbraith

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider how much more the terminal might cost, when he gets proposals, if it were sited at Ardrossan rather than Hunterston? Will he take into account the lower infrastructure cost at Ardrossan, and also the greater cost in terms of social amenity at Hunterston, a very valuable area for the working population of Scotland when it goes on holiday, which will be destroyed?

Mr. Ross

As the hon. Gentleman knows, the amendment would have to be advertised, objectors would have the right to pursue their objections at a public inquiry, and thereafter it would be a matter for me. It would be unwise at this stage for me to be decisive in respect of alternative sites, but all these relevant considerations will I am sure, be taken into account in the further progress.

Mr. Speaker

Mr. John Rankin—Mr. Gordon Campbell.

Mr. Gordon Campbell

Does the right hon. Gentleman think that any special arrangements are now necessary—

Mr. Rankin

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker

Order. The point of order will cost time from Question Time.

Mr. Rankin

Mr. Speaker, surely my point of order is quite legitimate in view of the fact that I distinctly heard you call me and instead there rose the hon. Member for Moray and Nairn (Mr. Gordon Campbell), who in no way whatsoever resembles me.

Mr. Speaker

Order. I thought I called half the hon. Member!

Mr. Gordon Campbell

Further to that point of order, Mr. Speaker. There was a second Question, No. 21, in the name of the hon. Member for Paisley (Mr. John Robertson). I thought that the other Question was about to be called, so I naturally waited.

I was asking the Secretary of State whether he considered that special arrangements were now necessary for the planning and co-ordination of projects expected round the Clyde estuary arising from the deep water, which is increasing in value as an asset there, particularly because so many bodies and local authorities are concerned, and as we are in a period when both local authorities and the planning procedures are being changed.

Mr. Ross

I think the hon. Gentleman knows that it is because we were aware of the importance for a very much wider area that we brought together the planning authorities and had a special study leading to the Metra Report, but here we are dealing with action which has to be taken, and the initiative rests, and must rest, with the Ayr County Council planning authority.