HC Deb 17 July 1969 vol 787 cc870-1
22. Mr. J. H. Osborn

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science, in view of the fact that Whitsun, including Whit Monday next year will be on a different week-end from the Spring Bank Holiday, if he will now send a circular to local education authorities advising them to ensure that school holidays coincide with the Spring Bank Holiday next year and in future years, so that industrial holidays in the spring may coincide with school holidays.

Miss Bacon

No, Sir. It is for local education authorities and governors and managers of schools to determine school holiday dates to suit local circumstances.

Mr. Osborn

Have not the Government some responsibility in trying to have holidays arranged to coincide with the Spring Bank Holiday? Local authorities, employers in industry and trade unions are finding immense difficulty in getting the school holiday to coincide with the industrial holiday. Could not the right hon. Lady, with the rest of the Government, set a lead?

Miss Bacon

I understand that there are difficulties in this connection, but, as I say, we could not give directions to local authorities. The hon. Gentleman will be interested to know that the Government are considering whether there should be permanent arrangements for the dates of the spring and summer holidays in England and Wales, and a statement on this will be made later.

Dr. John Dunwoody

Does my right hon. Friend agree that the tendency of many local education authorities to give at least a whole week half-term holiday in the summer term is in the interest of both the children and the tourist trade, and will she take steps to encourage other local education authorities to do the same?

Miss Bacon

My hon. Friend comes from an area to which many holidaymakers go, and his question illustrates how necessary it is that this matter be settled at local level since there are many local considerations to be taken into account.