HC Deb 08 July 1969 vol 786 cc1147-8
17. Mr. Fletcher-Cooke

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer why nonresidents working in the United Kingdom are allowed by regulation to remit to non-scheduled territories up to £1,000 per annum; and why residents may remit only £50 per annum.

Mr. Taverne

The two types of payment are not comparable. It is reasonable, and in accordance with international practice, to allow non-residents who hold a permit to work here temporarily to remit home savings arising from their earnings after tax has been paid. The annual amount which a resident may remit as gifts will be reconsidered at the same time as the travel restrictions but amounts in excess of £50 are permitted in cases of hardship.

Mr. Fletcher-Cooke

If foreign exchange is as short as we are told, why should there be this discrimination against our own people? Is it not a fact that many foreign workers in this country, when they are nearing the three-year period when they are liable to be treated as residents, go away for a month or two and come back and start another three years at the £1,000 a year rate?

Mr. Taverne

This is a two-way process. These foreign workers can, after all, come here only if there are no British workers available in that particular area. If we prevent them sending home part of their earnings, the same would apply to our workers who go overseas.