HC Deb 07 July 1969 vol 786 c947
23. Mr. Christopher Price

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what number of out-patients per psychiatrist he estimates to be the maximum for effective treatment; and how far the present out-patient services meet this need.

Mr. Snow

Methods vary and no fixed ratio is appropriate: there is no serious overall shortage of psychiatrists though more are needed in some areas.

Mr. Price

Does my hon. Friend consider that there are sufficient in the Birmingham area? Is he aware that I have had evidence that many psychiatrists in the Birmingham area seem to be very much overloaded with work in the outpatient department?

Mr. Snow

That is probably quite true in the Birmingham area. In other areas there seems to be some under-occupation. I should, however, add that at the end of September, 1968, there were 938 consultant psychiatrists and 442 registrars of mental illness and child psychiatry.