HC Deb 07 July 1969 vol 786 cc942-3
4. Mr. Hunt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the estimated expenditure on dental health education for the current year.

Mr. Snow

The primary responsibility for dental health education lies with local authorities, and no information about their expenditure is available centrally. The Health Education Council's approved estimates provide for expenditure of £7,600 on dental health education in 1969–70.

Mr. Hunt

In view of the fact that we are currently spending about £100 million on the dental service, is not that a woefully inadequate allocation? Will not the hon. Gentleman agree that the more money spent on dental health education now, the more we shall help minimise the cost of the National Health Service in the years to come?

Mr. Snow

That may be true, and I agree with much of what the hon. Gentleman says. Perhaps he will lend his authority and influence to encouraging local authorities to adopt the general principle of fluoridation to encourage better health in the teeth of young children.

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