HC Deb 22 January 1969 vol 776 cc468-9
16. Mr. John Hall

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what research is being undertaken into the effect on food production of increasing air pollution caused by vehicle exhaust gases.

Mr. John Mackie

Limited tests have been carried out by the National Agricultural Advisory Service in conjunction with the Macaulay Institute for Soil Research concerning the deposition of the lead content of exhaust fumes on crops growing near major roads. Work on several aspects of the problem is continuing at the Macaulay Institute.

Mr. Hall

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that research in America indicates that air pollution caused mainly by the emission of toxic matter from vehicle exhausts is causing a loss to agriculture of something like £500 million a year? Does not the hon. Gentleman consider that this experience of America warrants rather more research in this country than appears to be taking place?

Mr. Mackie

No. We have heard of the work in America, of course, and it is interesting work. We ourselves took a considerable number of samples in 1963 from roadside crops, and we have found deposits of lead, etc., but not in sufficient quantity or in such a way that the crops seem any worse. I will bear in mind what the hon. Member said, and if we feel that there is any necessity for increasing the present research, we will do so.