HC Deb 19 February 1969 vol 778 cc461-3
33. Mr. Scott-Hopkins

asked the Secretary of State for Defence how many units in 1969 will be training overseas in the Middle East, in the Far East, other than Hong Kong, and in other areas, respectively; how they will be transported; how long the training period will last; and at what cost.

REPORT of how the escalator will apply to the Armed Forces pension Codes.

Mr. Scott-Hopkins

Can the right hon. Gentleman give an assurance that existing pensioners who have been retired longest will get the greatest increase in pension, following the precedent set in the Bill which the right hon. Gentleman mentioned?

Mr. Reynolds

The percentages are exactly the same. When the hon. Gentleman receives the schedule later this afternoon, he will see the exact effects.

Mr. Reynolds

During 1969–70, of our Regular units stationed at home and abroad, 20 major and 30 minor units will train in the Near and Middle East; three major and 11 minor units in the Far East, excluding Hong Kong; and 35 major and 54 minor units in other areas, for periods from two to eight weeks. Transport will be mainly by R.A.F. Air Support Command aircraft and R.F.A. Support Shipping. The cost will be in the region of £2.2 million.

Mr. Scott-Hopkins

Is the right hon. Gentleman satisfied that these short training periods are enough to acclimatise troops to operations in theatres of war where the climatic conditions are very different from those of this country? Is he getting good value for money and should he not extend the periods of training overseas in both hot and cold climates?

Mr. Reynolds

These exercises are concerned more with gaining familiarity and experience and keeping up techniques rather than acclimatisation as such in the areas concerned.

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