HC Deb 05 February 1969 vol 777 c402
Mr. Speaker

I have a statement to make to the House.

I have looked into the question of the disappearance of the Glasgow Herald yesterday from the Members' Tea Room, the issue having been raised by the hon. Member for Fife, West (Mr. William Hamilton). I am informed by the Acting Serjeant at Arms that each day three copies of this newspaper are placed by his staff in the Tea and Reading Room. When the attendant sorted the papers in this room at 2 p.m. he found that all three copies were missing. It is not known who removed them. Various copies of newspapers disappear from time to time from this room, and it is rarely possible to ascertain who has taken them.

In addition to the copies in the Tea and Reading Rooms, two copies of the Glasgow Herald are placed in the Members' Smoking Room. The attendant who puts them there reports that one copy was still there at 2 p.m., and again at 4 p.m. I might add that the Library has two file copies, one of which was available throughout the day. The other copy was borrowed for a short time by a Minister of the Crown, but was duly returned.

Mr. William Hamilton

Mr. Speaker, I thank you for giving me forewarning of your statement, and I am glad to know that the acquisitive instincts of Ministers are not so highly developed as those of back benchers.

Mr. Emrys Hughes

Having raised this matter yesterday, may I confess that I removed the copy of the Glasgow Herald from the Tea Room? I did so for five minutes, to have it photographed in the Library. I gave a copy to the Leader of the House, and if anyone wishes to see a photostat copy, containing all the sensational revelations I referred to yesterday, he can apply to me and I shall show it to him.

Mr. Speaker

I think that the hon. Member is not in danger of a Select Committee.