HC Deb 16 December 1969 vol 793 cc1131-2
Q6. Mr. Dalyell

asked the Prime Minister if, in his forthcoming meeting with President Nixon, he will discuss co-operation between the British and the United States Governments with a view to the introduction of legislation to require international companies, based in the United States of America with plants in Great Britain, to carry out more of their basic research in their international divisions in the United Kingdom.

The Prime Minister

On the agenda for my talks with President Nixon I have nothing to add to what I said at Questions on 9th December.—Vol. 793, c. 236–8.]

Mr. Dalyell

While areas such as West Lothian greatly welcome both the international company and the help that the Government have given to the international company, could not something be done to discuss the implicit social contract whereby the international company would give the research to the international division up to the standard of the best companies?

The Prime Minister

I am aware of my hon. Friend's concern and his realistic attitude about this, and there has been considerable development in his constituency. He has two problems, one is research and the other is the appointment of British citizens, or Scottish citizens in his constituency, to senior positions. The best of the firms in his constituency and in others do both of these things, and will find that they get good value out of it. I hope that the rest of the firms in his constituency will follow suit.

Mr. Scott-Hopkins

Does the right hon. Gentleman agree that it is particularly important for those American companies which are manufacturing drugs and agricultural chemicals to do as much research as possible in this country and that every effort should be made to encourage this?

The Prime Minister

Yes, I think it is highly desirable that they should do as much research as they can in this country. As a former Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, I was and have since been concerned to see that manufacturers do not charge for that research twice over in the prices charged to the National Health Service.