HC Deb 24 April 1969 vol 782 c650
35. Mr. Judd

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many temporary playgroups for younger schoolchildren he estimates were organised by educational authorities in England and Wales during the recent school holidays.

Miss Bacon

Arrangements of this kind are within the discretion of local education authorities and I have no returns on which to base an estimate. I think it is a very worth while form of activity.

Mr. Judd

Is my right hon. Friend aware that projects of this kind can make a very significant contribution to the social life of deprived areas of major urban centres? Has she studied the very successful experiment in Portsmouth? Will she encourage all local authorities wherever possible to take similar action?

Miss Bacon

Yes I shall certainly encourage local authorities and I will go a step further. I am willing to consider proposals made under the urban programmes for areas of special social need.