HC Deb 16 April 1969 vol 781 cc1130-2
8. Mr. Fortescue

asked the Minister of Technology what studies are being made in his Department of the ground systems needed for vertical/short take-off and landing commercial air services.

Mr. J. P. W. Mallalieu

We have commissioned a number of studies of the physical problems of siting vertical takeoff terminals in city centres; of the ground traffic patterns to be expected; and of terminal guidance and air traffic control requirements.

Mr. Fortescue

Will the Minister ensure that when vertical and short take-off inter-city air services become economic, which, in my view, will be much sooner than the 10 years normally predicted by the Government, everything will have been done to make certain that the ground systems are ready for this most exciting and important development in air transport?

Mr. Mallalieu

This is an exciting and important development. That is why we are now commissioning these studies and why they are going ahead, so that we can prepare the ground.

18. Mr. J. H. Osborn

asked the Minister of Technology when the official study of vertical take-off and landing sites by Brian Colquhoun and Partners was authorised; what were the terms of reference of this study; whether it is planned to include suitable sites in or near major cities in the United Kingdom; and whether sites for short take-off and landing are specifically excluded.

Mr. J. P. W. Mallalieu

The study, which is purely exploratory, was authorised in February last. Its purpose is to examine possible VTOL sites in London and Glasgow, and five European cities, and to identify the problems involved in building terminals there.

This particular study is not concerned with short take-off and landing.

Mr. Osborn

Will the Minister say where Professor Williams comes into this? Professor Williams has produced a Press release on the work which he is doing. Will there be in the future a survey of the economic possibilities, the rôle and the prospects of STOL against VTOL, since a city like Sheffield has a great interest in these alternatives?

Mr. Mallalieu

I should have thought that STOL aircraft would land on conventional airfields and not on these sites which in the context of this study are solely for vertical take-off aircraft. Professor Williams is now doing a study, the results of which we shall get by the end of the year, covering eight towns in Britain and mainly concerned with the pattern of business traffic.

Mr. Fortescue

Does the Minister agree that it is the latest view of experts in this subject, contrary to previously held opinions, that the noise level of vertical take-off and landing aircraft is likely to be much less of a hazard to health and comfort than that of conventional aircraft?

Mr. Mallalieu

I was not aware that that was the expert point of view. I very much hope that that could be proved to be true.