HC Deb 03 April 1969 vol 781 c630
9. Mr. Tilney

asked the Postmaster-General how long on average it takes to deliver an unstamped letter.

Mr. Stonehouse

Within two working days of posting.

Mr. Tilney

Is the Postmaster-General aware that this is often faster than letters which are properly stamped? Does he realise that many firms in the provinces are reduced to sending couriers twice a week with the firms' own correspondence to London? Is this not very uneconomic, especially as they cannot take anyone else's letters? Would he consider allowing private enterprise to compete?

Mr. Stonehouse

These points are wholly exaggerated. The service which we provide is extremely good, and business firms have come to rely on it. I do not accept that the service has deteriorated in the way that the hon. Gentleman implies.

Mr. Bryan

while the figures which the right hon. Gentleman normally quotes for the service are obviously quite satisfactory in a general way, does he not conclude from his own postbag that there are black areas in which the record is far less satisfactory? Would it not be worthwhile for the Post Office to conduct surveys in those areas so that action can be taken?

Mr. Stonehouse

There are parts of the country which fall below the general achievement, and we are constantly examining the situation to see how these areas can be improved. My postbag has declined considerably in the last few months and it looks as though a lot of steam has gone out of the artificial campaign stimulated by hon. Members on the other side of the House.