HC Deb 23 October 1968 vol 770 cc1416-7

Lords Amendment No. 22: in page 15. line 29, leave out from "if" to "been" in line 30 and insert "neither the appellant nor that person has"

Mr. MacColl

I beg to move, That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment.

This is really a drafting Amendment to improve an Amendment which was made to the Bill on the suggestion of hon. Members opposite on Report here. At present the Minister is empowered to disregard the failure to serve notice if either the appellant or the person has not been substantially prejudiced. It is better to have it that neither has been, to make quite certain that no one was prejudiced. To this, the Lords Amendment helps.

Question put and agreed to.

Lords Amendment No. 23: In page 16, leave out lines 16 to 22 and insert: (7) Where an appeal against an enforcement notice is brought under this section, the appellant shall be deemed to have made an application for planning permission for the development to which the notice relates and, in relation to any exercise by the Minister of his powers under subsection (5) above, the following provisions shall have effect:—

  1. (a) any planning permission granted there-under shall he treated as granted on the said application;".

Mr. MacColl

I beg to move, That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said. Amendment.

Mr. Speaker

With this Lords Amendment I suggest we also take Lords Amendments Nos. 203, 230, 231, 249 and 250.

Mr. MacColl

At one stage in the progress of the Bill it was hoped to get rid of a deemed application—

It being Ten o'clock, the House stood adjourned.