HC Deb 16 October 1968 vol 770 c362
23. Mr. Roebuck

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he is aware of the increasing practice among poultry breeders of cutting off the wings of day-old chickens before despatch for further rearing; and whether he will take steps, by legislation or otherwise, to ban such operations.

Mr. John Mackie

Such a practice would not be in accordance with the draft Code of Welfare Recommendations for Domestic Fowls, which we have recently circulated for comment. I can, however, find no evidence that this practice exists in this country.

Mr. Roebuck

Has not my hon. Friend seen the recent report of the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, which gave details of this practice? Is he aware that the Federation, like the vast majority of people in this country, who oppose these practices, are not cranks, vegetarians or sentimentalists, but people who want to eat well and live decently? Will he look closely at this matter again and bring forward legislation to deal with it?

Mr. Mackie

The Ministry of Agriculture is not an asylum for the blind. We have asked Major Scott of the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare to produce specific evidence, and he cannot do it. We have also gone to considerable lengths to find out from our own poultry experts and vets if there is any evidence, and we cannot find it. The Press took up the story, as did my hon. Friend without doing his homework.