HC Deb 14 October 1968 vol 770 cc25-6
39. Mr. Molloy

asked the Secretary State for Foreign Affairs if he will now consider initiating a conference to discuss with European Governments the need to establish a European Peace and Security Council.

Mr. Mulley

No, Sir.

Mr. Molloy

In view of the very serious events in Central Europe and the fact that my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister said at the Dispatch Box that it was urgent for this country to seek a détente, and since Norway, Rumania, Denmark and Poland have urged consideration of the setting up of a Peace and Security Council, should not the British Government take the initiative in at least calling a conference to see if such a proposal is practicable?

Mr. Mulley

I think that the House will recognise that the present time is not the most favourable or auspicious for an initiative of that kind. We must be realistic and realise that the events in Czechoslovakia have been a setback to the policy not only of this country but of many other members of N.A.T.O. in seeking détente. We hope very much that we can return to that situation at an early date.