HC Deb 27 November 1968 vol 774 cc474-5
8. Mr. Onslow

asked the Minister of Technology what military aircraft development projects are currently being sponsored by his Department.

Mr. J. P. W. Mallalieu

Buccaneer S Mark 2, Harrier, Nimrod, Jaguar (in collaboration with France) and the Speyengined Phantom. In addition the possibility of developing a multi-rôle combat aircraft in collaboration with the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy and the Netherlands is being examined. In the helicopter field we are developing the Sea King, the SA340 and the WG13, the last two in collaboration with France.

Mr. Onslow

Would the hon. Gentleman agree that of that list the M.R.C.A. is the most important for the long-term future of the industry? Will he give an assurance that if it proves impossible to draw up some multi-national collaboration on this we are prepared to consider going on with it alone?

Mr. Mallalieu

We shall certainly have to consider the possibilities if we cannot get international collaboration, but I hope we can.

Sir Ian Orr-Ewing

Would the hon. Gentleman remember that when we have an international collaborative aircraft the engine is almost inevitably provided by Rolls-Royce, and this means that the rest of the aircraft—the avionics and the airframe—has to be provided by overseas designers and suppliers, and that this is not a basis on which to maintain a healthy aircraft industry in this country?

Mr. Mallalieu

I entirely agree with the hon. Gentleman. We are watching that all the time. We hope that we can get rather more avionics than we have been doing.