HC Deb 27 November 1968 vol 774 cc494-5
27. Mr. J. H. Osborn

asked the Minister of Technology what consideration has been given by the National Research Development Council to participate in the development of the advanced passenger train, or the gas turbine power unit to drive it; and what proposals he has for the future.

Dr. Bray

Participation by the National Research Development Corporation in the advanced passenger train project was considered. It was decided that it would be more appropriate for the Ministry of Transport to contribute to the development. My right hon. Friend the Minister of Transport told the House on 11th November that he had offered assistance to British Rail, and there are other Questions for him to answer today.—[Vol. 773, c. 21–2.]

Mr. Osborn

Why was my Question transferred to the Minister of Transport, bearing in mind that there was a possibility of the N.R.D.C. taking a bigger role and his own Ministry taking a bigger role? Do we understand from this that the active role by the industry for which the Minister is responsible is a smaller one. Is it not regrettable that the Minister has not got a bigger interest in it?

Dr. Bray

No. I think this arrangement is most appropriate. The work on the advanced passenger train project was, after all, done by British Railways, in the first place. It is, therefore, right that the Minister responsible for the finances of British Railways should look after this particular project.

Sir H. Legge-Bourke

May we at least have an assurance that the project will go forward under a new project manager and that there will not be a duplication of Ministries?

Dr. Bray

There will be no confusion at all between responsibilities in separate Departments.