HC Deb 20 November 1968 vol 773 cc1293-4
39. Mr. William Hamilton

asked the Lord President of the Council what further progress he has made towards the establishment of a Specialist Committee to investigate Scottish affairs.

Mr. Peart

This proposal is being given most careful consideration, but I am afraid that I cannot enter into any commitment at this stage.

Mr. Hamilton

Can my right hon. Friend say exactly what that means? Will he give an assurance that an early statement will be made one way or the other, and will he undertake to set up such a Committee this Session?

Mr. Peart

My hon. Friend asks me exactly what it means. It means exactly what I say. This matter has been looked into very carefully. When I am able to make any other announcement I will do so.

Mr. Edward M. Taylor

Does this mean that the proposal is dead for another year? If it is ever revived, will the Minister give an assurance that this Committee will be able to look into the conduct of the boards of the nationalised industries in Scotland, not simply matters coming within the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State for Scotland?

Mr. Peart

It does not mean that at all. The hon. Member obviously takes a great interest, as he must. I note what he says, but I make no commitment at this stage.

Mr. Emrys Hughes

Is my right hon. Friend aware that this subject is of great interest to people interested in the reform of government in Scotland, and that those people, apart from those who want complete isolation, are anxious to have this inquiry to get at the facts?

Mr. Peart

I am aware of the importance of the major principle of setting up Select Committees not just for Scotland, but for other parts of the United Kingdom, about which I have been approached. This is an important matter and I will make a statement as soon as I can.