§ 44. Mr. Gardnerasked the Secretary of State for Defence what review of policy concerning the location of defence establishments is taking place in the light of advances in computer technology and telecommunications.
§ Mr. ReynoldsA separate review is not required as it has always been our policy to take account of many factors, including the latest technological developments, in planning the location of our facilities.
§ Mr. GardnerIs my right hon. Friend aware that it is not necessary in this day and age to have the clerical staffs concerned and the stores which they are servicing sitting on top of computers when computers are installed?
§ Mr. ReynoldsIn some cases this is not necessary and in others it is desirable. There is also the question of cost involved in having communications systems. One has to look at each specific proposal on its merits, and I know that my hon. Friend has discussed the one he has in mind with the Under-Secretary of State for the Army within the last week.
§ 45. Mr. Gardnerasked the Secretary of State for Defence what machinery exists for consultation with other Departments of Government on questions concerning the location of defence establishments.
§ Mr. ReynoldsThere is a well-established procedure for consultation with other Departments of Government before major decisions as to the future of defence establishments are taken. This procedure ensures that regional factors are taken into account in reaching our decisions.
§ Mr. GardnerWill my right hon. Friend accept that it is very important that these consultations should take place at the planning stage and not at the stage when decisions have been reached involving considerable amounts of public expenditure and when the cost of reversing those decisions because of economic and social factors outweighs any favourable decision regarding the economic and social factors?
§ Mr. ReynoldsI do not wish to commit myself to any particular step, but we intend in future, as we have done in the vast majority of cases in the past, to consult with those who might be concerned in any way on individual projects at the earliest possible stage.