HC Deb 11 November 1968 vol 773 c27
39. Mr. Farr

asked the Minister of Transport what steps he is taking to prevent the numerous accidents involving articulated vehicles.

Mr. Bob Brown

These accidents, which have not been shown to be disproportionately numerous, have a wide variety of causes. Most of our road safety programme will contribute to preventing them.

Jack-knifing, a cause in perhaps 10 per cent of accidents involving articulated vehicles, has been made less likely by improvements in braking balance. The Ministry is carrying out trials with a number of devices intended to further reduce jack-knifing.

Mr. Farr

Can the hon. Gentleman say why, in view of the very special characteristics of these vehicles, no specific or special accident figures have been kept in the past relating to their accident rate and the mileage they cover?

Mr. Brown

It has not been thought necessary to keep separate accident records. All the indications are, as I have said, that they are not disproportionately numerous.