HC Deb 06 November 1968 vol 772 c873
18. Mr. Lane

asked the President of the Board of Trade what is the present position regarding his proposals to accelerate the Kennedy Round tariff cuts; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Dell

Our proposals, which my right hon. Friend announced in the House on 14th March, remain on the table. Progress depends on the ability of the principal countries concerned to meet the conditions attached to the offer.—[Vol. 760, c. 1638–43.]

Mr. Lane

Would the Government consider taking a fresh initiative with the new American Administration as soon as it is established in order to try to get more progress in the direction that we all want?

Mr. Dell

The question will, of course, arise whether the offer should remain open after 1st January, 1969. At a time when the new Administration is coming into office, I see no reason why our offer should be withdrawn, though, of course, this is a matter on which we have to act together with other countries whose views will be important in this respect.

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