HC Deb 04 November 1968 vol 772 c481
49. Mr. Farr

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will introduce legislation to make it possible that, in circumstances where one partner of a couple drawing retirement pension is pre vented by ill health from work, that partner's earning entitlement can be transferred to the other.

Mr. Pentland

No, Sir. The level of earnings at which reductions from pension begin is fixed to support the retirement condition and it would, therefore, be inconsistent to have a higher limit for a particular group of retirement pensioners. The hon. Gentleman has written about a rather different type of case, and I shall be, replying to him shortly.

Mr. Farr

I am obliged to the Minister for his courtesy. Is it not grossly unfair that when a husband is unfit to earn anything at all, all the dependant's portion of the pension is stopped if the wife earns more than £2 16s. a week?

Mr. Pentland

Provision is explicitly made in the regulations for the reasonable cost of making provision for the care of a member of the kind of household about which the hon. Gentleman is concerned.