HC Deb 04 November 1968 vol 772 cc471-2
24. Dr. David Kerr

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how much was paid to Management Consultants Limited for their services in connection with the appointment of a director of the Health Education Council; and what were the results of their work.

Mr. Snow

The amount to be paid is £1,094. None of the candidates who responded to the advertisement was considered to have the necessary qualities for the post but the Council have now made an appointment.

Dr. Kerr

Would my hon. Friend confirm that, among the original candidates who applied was the then medical director of the pre-existing Central Council for Health Education, that his application was among relatively few, and that the recent appointment of a new director was not the subject of selection by Management Consultants Ltd., and has resulted in the appointment of a doctor without any previous experience in health education? Would he not agree that this is a very unsatisfactory start to the work of the Health Education Council?

Mr. Snow

With the benefit of hindsight, one might say that we could have achieved a satisfactory appointment perhaps a little earlier, but we have learned with experience. I do not know the position about any gentleman who was not selected, but, in reply to my hon. Friend's last question, I would say that the new Director-General has had considerable experience of industrial medicine and also holds academic posts. If my hon. Friend considers the situation in normal industry, he will realise that it is not always the proposals of management selection organisations which are accepted by the sponsoring firms.

Dr. Kerr

On a point of order. In view of the totally unsatisfactory answer to that Question, I propose to raise the matter on the Adjournment as early as possible.