§ 5. Mr. David Watkinsasked the President of the Board of Trade if he will seek a revision of Article 6 of the Stockholm Convention to prevent member countries of the European Free Trade 1802 Association from levying import duties on motor vehicles imported from other member countries, in contravention of the principles of the European Free Trade Association.
§ Mr. CroslandUnder Article 6 of the E.F.T.A. Convention, Member States are free to apply revenue duties to goods imported from other Member States provided that there is no protective element in such duties. No revision of this Article is at present contemplated. But the current programme of work for E.F.T.A., adopted by Ministers at their meeting in London on 9th-10th May, provides for a review of the extent to which revenue duties could be reduced or eliminated on trade within E.F.T.A.
§ Mr. WatkinsIs my right hon. Friend aware that these revenue duties, which are up to 30 per cent. in some instances, are import duties, and is this not particularly detrimental to the British and Swedish motor car industries and, for that matter, the whole of E.F.T.A.?
§ Mr. CroslandMy hon. Friend will be aware that, more than once, we have made representations about these revenue duties, particularly as they affect motor vehicles. Nevertheless, when he refers to a 30 per cent. level, those countries in E.F.T.A. which still have that are all due to reduce it substantially during the course of 1968.
§ Mr. RidleyHow can we expect sympathy from the members of E.F.T.A. over this matter when we ourselves have resorted to national protectionism for aluminium smelters?
§ An Hon. Member: Ask them about Norwegian fish.
§ Mr. CroslandI asked them about Norwegian fish recently, because I have a strong constituency interest in fish. However, I do not think that anyone who considers our trading relations with E.F.T.A. as a whole can say that, compared with the other countries in E.F.T.A., this country has pursued a protectionist policy.