HC Deb 23 May 1968 vol 765 c840

Motion made, and Question proposed,

That Mr. Speaker do issue his Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown to make out a new Writ for the electing of a Member to serve in this present Parliament for the borough constituency of Oldham, West in the room of Charles Leslie Hale, esq., who, since his election for the said borough constituency, hath accepted the Office of Steward or Bailiff of Her Majesty's Three Chiltern Hundreds of Stoke, Desborough and Burnham in the County of Buckingham.—[Mr. John Silkin.]

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

Before this Motion is put to the House, will the right hon. Gentleman say whether a similar Motion is to be moved today with regard to the Nelson and Colne constituency, and if not, why not?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury and Deputy Leader of the House of Commons (Mr. John Silkin)

I am sure that the whole House will be very grateful to the right hon. and learned Gentleman for putting this point. But, with his wide experience, he will not expect me to give an absolutely definite answer to his question today. However, I hope to give him a definite answer in due course.

Question put and agreed to.