HC Deb 22 May 1968 vol 765 cc508-9
7. Mr. Clark Hutchison

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what discussions he has held with Edinburgh Corporation about tourist facilities in the city.

Dr. Dickson Mabon

None, Sir, but the Scottish Tourist Board has been discussing these matters with the Corporation.

Mr. Clark Hutchison

Does the Minister realise that because it is the capital and because of its fame Edinburgh is the greatest tourist attraction in Scotland? Will he give an assurance that, as regards grants and loans, builders, hotel owners and other people in the city are to be treated exactly the same as those in any other part of Scotland?

Dr. Mabon

I am certain that Edinburgh—the Lord Provost in particular— will welcome the announcement in the White Paper of the hotel incentives scheme which will apply to Edinburgh. He may remember that in the tourism debate I referred to the Edinburgh Accommodation Study which, to some extent, bears out what the hon. Gentleman said about his own city.

Mr. Stodart

In view of the attractions of Edinburgh and the acute shortage of hotel accommodation there, will the hon. Gentleman at least repeat that in the new scheme Edinburgh will receive the same grants for hotel building as those given in development areas?

Dr. Mabon

I do not want the hon. Gentleman to do harm to his city by giving the impression that there is not ample accommodation, let us say for the Games, in Edinburgh. There is. According to the study which I have mentioned, Edinburgh accommodated something like 2 million bed nights in the year under review. We accept that in 1981 there will be 3 mi lion bed nights so required. [Laughter] This is the way it is measured. A good study of the White Paper would repay hon. Gentlemen.

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