HC Deb 09 May 1968 vol 764 cc639-40
Sir Alec Douglas-Home

I beg to ask leave to move the Adjournment of the House, under Standing Order No. 9, for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration, namely, the decision of the Government to withdraw the passport of Sir Frederick Crawford. I hope, Mr. Speaker, after the exchanges that have taken place across the Floor of the House, that I need not say much to convince you that this is a matter which is specific, important and urgent, and, therefore, appropriate to be dealt with under Standing Order No. 9.

It is a case which deals with an individual who has a most distinguished record in the public services and under the Crown, and who has up to now assumed that his right to come to this country and go from this country to other countries with a British passport is assured.

Secondly, the Commonwealth Secretary has refused to give any satisfactory reason for interfering with the right of an individual. The only one at which he has hinted is one which, to anyone who knows Sir Frederick Crawford's past, is patently ridiculous.

Therefore, this is important, and it is urgent, not only because Sir Frederick's travel plans have all been made—that is by the way—but because it is important that this House should immediately seek from the Government the criteria which will be applied to other cases, otherwise any day other people may be treated with similar injustice.

Mr. Speaker

The right hon. Gentleman asks leave to move the Adjournment of the House for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter which he thinks should have urgent consideration, namely, the decision of the Government to withdraw the passport of Sir Frederick Crawford. The House will remember that under revised Standing Order No. 9 agreed to on 14th November, 1967, Mr. Speaker is directed to take into account the several factors set out in that Order, but to give no reason for his decision.

In the light of the new provision, I now rule that the right hon. Member's submission does not fall wthin the provision of the revised Standing Order, and, therefore, I cannot submit his application to the House.
